Monday, October 25, 2010

More on biologically-inspired computing

Gideon posted earlier on genetic algorithms used in computing.  Today I saw this fascinating article on how bees can solve the Traveling Salesman problem better than computers.  The Traveling Salesman problem is essentially this: given a set of cities, what is the shortest possible route that visits each city exactly once?  Or put in terms of bees collecting pollen: given a set of flowers, what is the shortest possible route that visits each flower exactly once? 

This problem is extremely difficult to solve -- it falls into a class of algorithms called NP-hard,  meaning that we do not yet have an efficient algorithm to solve the problem.  Computers may need to be infinitely parallel in order to solve this hard of a problem in a reasonable amount of time.  It's fascinating that we continue to learn from nature and bring these insights to the world of computing.